The average gestination period is 63 days, but pups can be born as early as 59 days or as late as 66 days from the first breeding. Before whelping she may refuse her food or eat very little. She goes to lay down in the litter box digging nest and going to deep sleep. The new born puppy needs warmth and food. The first week they are nursing almost all the time. The healthy, happy puppy is quite. While sleeping his body will twitch and jerk, this is called activated sleep. Puppies will spread if it is too warm, or cry and pile up if it is too cold in the whelping box.

They all have their own color, because in a good litter they look all the same and is very important to me to be able to identify each of them from the birth.

At 4-5 DAYS OLD their dewclaws are
removed and tails are docked. It will heal in a week.
When they are around 2 weeks old, their eyes and ears are starting to open. They notice your voice. It is important that they are out of strong light and loud noise. Their eyes color is blue at this time. They will making awkward, comical effort to get on their feet and they will stand on it only few seconds at a time. From now on they will develop rapidly. Suddenly, at 3 weeks of age they seems to put everything together. They start to notice the outside world. This period is called the "socialization period". This period is the more critical, they should exhibit no fear of people.
This is the time to give them safe toys to play with. They are starting to eat soft puppy food.

At 5-6 weeks old the pups are out playing in the yard. They are completely weaned. They will eat 4 times a day. Dominant and subordinate relationship are developing at this time.
A simple cardbord box will entertain them for hours.
At 7-8 weeks old they will get their first shot and worming. At this time they are house broken, they know what comes, sit and stay means. they are totally independent from their mother. This is the time when they are bonds to human.
It is time to say Goodbye to all my puppies. It is not easy, but after careful selection, I know that their new owners will love them and take good care of them. Some of them will be champions, some of them will enjoy hunting, but I am sure that all of them will be the best companion and they love you for ever and ever.............!
I just found these short videos among my files. Browny is Morzsa in these videos which was captured by my phone :)
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