Friday, July 8, 2011


Cimborák - Hegyen-völgyön Homoki Nagy Istvan 1960.
Very nice film about a Vizsla, Dachshund and a Hawk lost and their journey home through Hungary. The language is in Hungarian but you can understand. I remember seeing this in the movie when I was young. Beautiful scenes and funny animal characters. The Vizsla remind me of my first boy, Bator.
Not short though.   Even Morzsa liked it!
Just click the link and enjoy.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1942 Vizsla Film

I had to share this one. A short video how the Hungarians worked with Trained Vizslas at 1942. So many beautiful Vizslas!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Spring is here and the girls are helping me plant my vegetables and flowers. We are spending more times outside which is a good thing for all of us. While Morzsa is looking for the squerrels Piri is sunbathing. It was very cold winter. A pair of red tail Hawk decided to move here to the pine tree also. I love to see them but I don't think the squrrels are very happy. Morzsa is getting fat. I have to cut back her food. She is eating everything she can get too. Piri is getting slower and slower. She will be 14 this year. At the time the Japan eartquake, she was barking 3-4 days all day and night. Not so loud but barking constantly. She started to collect her toys. She was very concern of something. After 2 days of that devastating earquake she calmed down and was okay. Strange!